Milwaukee County Genealogical Society
Area Research Group members - Please select "Filter by Category" and select your specific Ethnic Group to limit selections from this extensive link list. Remember that ethnic Germans could have immigrated from current lands of Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, etc. Please check the link listings for Ethnic - German for many helpful links to things like German handwriting script, etc.
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**Please note: These links will take you off the Milwaukee County Genealogical Society's web site. We recognize that some of these sites may have advertising enhanced content. We, therefore, can not be held accountable or responsible for content displayed.
**Kindly let us know if you run into a link that ends in an error message. Pages do change locations and categories, so we do apologize for not catching them all. Many times the page can be found by going to that websites home page and working your way through. Contact us, so that we can research and get that link or a similar one back on our page. If a page is currently unavailable, copy that link and go to the WayBack Machine at - then paste the old link to see if it was saved in the past.
Do you have a suggestion for a page? As long as it is inline with our Mission statement, if it is helpful, we'll be glad to put it up.
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Listings: 1 to 24 of 24
Atlas des Deutschen Reichs - Atlas of the German Empire
Follow "German Girl in America" and all things German (including Milwaukee's German Fest), through Karen's blog and facebook postings.
Brigham Young University set of helpful guides on Kurrent
Sutterlin and altdeutsch
Write your name in Suetterlin
Index of German-Polish and Polish-German names of the localities in Poland and Russia
To search former German town name, to find its current town name. The JewishGen Gazetter was the former JewishGen ShtetlSeeker.
Search the online Meyers Gazeteer.
German to English Genealogy Translations of your family letters, church records, certificates, and more translated. And information about an online course of "Reading The Old German Handwriting".